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What motivates me?

What motivates me?

Maybe it sounds a bit strange at first, to deal with the topic of motivation. But motivated to do its job mainly serves you as a worker. Surely, your superiors will also benefit from it, in the form of better work results. In the end, however, you will increase your quality of life and your own well-being.

The fact is, the motivation should come first of all and be the cornerstone of your daily work. If this is not the case, you can motivate yourself differently or seriously ask yourself if the job is the right thing for you in the long term.

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self reflection

The first step in self-reflection is that you think about what your daily incentive is.

  • Is it the sumptuous salary?
  • The fact that you have to work little or no overtime and come home punctually in the evening?
  • The bonuses and the free time schedule?

Whatever the reason, there will certainly be some reason why you applied for this job back then. If you are aware of this, then in the next step you should ask yourself if you really enjoy your job or if there are some little things here and there that you do not like.

If you are occasionally unmotivated or dissatisfied, we can reassure you. Sooner or later, every employee experiences this phase. However, if this condition lasts longer, make a pros and cons list and decide whether to keep your job or use your skills in another company.

For everyone who just has a bad week or a bad day, here are a few tips on how to get yourself back on track and to what extent managers can support you.

For workers

View motivational pictures or videos - It's hard to believe, but a cat video in the morning or lunch break can do wonders and be wonderfully exhilarating.

smile - In a time full of impersonality and discomfort, a smile can make a difference. Just try it and just smile to somebody in the morning in the subway. You will definitely appear in the work with a better feeling and a good mood.

For executives

Lob - Even if it sounds banal. Praise is often the greatest motivating factor for an employee and can give courage to new tasks.

Common goal - Having a common goal motivates immensely and strengthens cohesion.

Conclusion: Of course, these are just a few examples that can (again) increase the motivational factor. The fact is, it depends on the type of person and the ideal employee motivation plan does not exist. In the end, every employee and employer has to find out for themselves, which can increase their satisfaction.

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