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time Management

Time Management - Tips for more productivity in everyday work

For the new year, resolutions are often set.

Be it doing more sport or getting ahead in your job.

So that you can start with new perspectives, we have put together tips for more efficiency and productivity in everyday work.

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Create schedules

A meeting here, a presentation there and the urgently needed report should also be created. Tasks often seem impossible in the given time. So in order not to have to rush from one task to the next, it helps to create schedules. In this way it becomes clear which tasks need more time, which less and which one can confidently do without this week. But be careful: only realistic goals save time. Overcrowded daily schedules usually lead to even more stress and excessive demands.

Structure your workplace

Printouts and post-its are inefficient when you have them on your desk. The motto: class instead of mass. Rather, emphasize important things with a post-it at the desk and write down all the minor things in one block. The same naturally applies to printouts. So that you can work again in a time-saving way, you cannot avoid a “core renovation”.

Do unpleasant tasks right away

Checking mails, watering plants and another cup of coffee: When an unpleasant task is pending, there is suddenly a lot to do. Despite the feeling of getting something done, the task at hand doesn't go away. On the contrary, the longer she buzzes in the head, the greater the stress. The only way out of this dilemma is to simply do annoying tasks first. So you have the rest of the day for other activities.

Take regular breaks

No one can concentrate for eight hours straight. So if you do not take your breaks in order to be able to go home faster in the evening, you are doing yourself and the company no good and are acting counterproductive. Without the daily short vacation for body and mind, the concentration falls to zero. Therefore, be sure to take short breaks! This gives the workflow the necessary energy kick

set goals

Many do not set goals and live into the day. There is nothing wrong with that, only it has little to do with efficiency. The trick is not only to set the big goals in life and keep an eye on them, but also to consider them every single day as a goal. A pre-planned day provides security. Important things are definitely taken care of and you can make sure that you have a sense of achievement.

Conclusion: Whether our advice leads to more productivity or to a more structured way of working, everyone has to decide for themselves, but perhaps we were able to give you at least a little food for thought for future tasks.

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