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Go new ways - so you make the jump

Go new ways - so you make the jump

Am I right in my job?
Can I imagine the next few years here?

We all think about these things once in our professional career. These concerns always arise when a difficult phase is at hand or when things are not going so well. When you should start thinking about a new path and how to make a successful jump - you can find out here.

teamFORCE job change

Should I change my job?

Persistent stress, a bad working atmosphere, no motivation to do your own tasks - there are phases like this in almost every job from time to time. If they occur sporadically or only for a short period of time, this is no reason to worry about changing jobs. It is completely different if you have been unhappy for a long time and can no longer identify with your job. Anyone who has been unhappy for years will at some point come to the conclusion: It is time for a change!

Which direction should I take?

Once there is a desire for change, it is a matter of concretizing the direction in which you want to develop. There are endless possibilities to reorient yourself. The best way to decide on one is to start with the origin - where does your desire for change come from? Is it the work environment? Is it the job? Are you under challenged? Once you have become aware of the reason, you can now look for a suitable solution for you. Be it a change in the industry, another employer or simply a change of position in your own company.

The following applies to a professional change: Become aware of your skills, strengths and weaknesses. Talk to people around you about your qualities and get input on how you are perceived from the outside. With the combination of self-image and external image you get a good image.

Take a new path - with these 5 tips from Teamforce it works!

  1. Formulate reasons for your change and write them down!
  2. Set a goal and set it SMART!
    - Specific, Medible, Aattractive, Realistic, Tmined
  3. Develop concrete steps to achieve this goal!
  4. Don't break bridges before you have something solid!
  5. Focus on the future and leave the past behind!

"If you want to break new ground, you have to leave old paths"

Manfred Gray

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