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Mastering LinkedIn

Mastering LinkedIn

Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Congratulations, you're one of the 810 million users who are growing their personal brand, finding new business partners, connecting with the right people, and attracting talent on LinkedIn.

We're not going to give you obvious optimization tips that I'm sure you know. Yes, you should write a compelling summary. Yes, you must use a high-resolution photo. Yes, you should list all relevant work experience. Yes, they should adjust your profile URL. We'll give you a few tips on how to take full advantage of the features LinkedIn offers that you (hopefully) don't already know about.

teamFORCE Blog LinkedIn

1. Respond to any networking request, message, or job request.

If a recruiter sends you an InMail or a sales rep makes you an offer, don't ignore it, respond. Even if you're not interested, you can always politely decline an offer. 

When someone sends you a connection request, decline or accept it, show your commitment to the LinkedIn platform.

When you get involved in the LinkedIn community, LinkedIn enhances your profile. You get more profile visits, more networking requests and more reach.

2. Use the right keywords.

The algorithm on LinkedIn uses your headline, your work experience, your skills, and even your posts to understand you better. LinkedIn then promotes the right connection to users, the perfect candidates to recruiters, and showing the posts that could potentially be of great interest to you. 

Here are the places where you should put your keywords:

  • headlines
  • Summary
  • Work experience
  • expertise
  • Interests

3. Rearrange your skills

You can rearrange and prioritize your skills. If you want to highlight or prioritize a skill, you can simply pin it. This tells LinkedIn and your site visitors what your specialization is.

“Whoever works makes mistakes.
If you work hard, you make more mistakes.
Only those who sit back and relax don’t make any mistakes.” 

Alfred Krupp

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