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Job gone - now what?

Job gone - now what?

It has already happened to many but the fear of it is still very great: you have been quit and lost your job and a new job is not yet in sight. It's never easy to get over an expulsion. Who has to leave the company is often angry and disappointed. Now it's time to keep a cool head and ask yourself the question: what's next?

First of all, let's say that unemployment can strike anyone and is no shame. Nevertheless, many people fall into a deep hole and come out very difficult. The level of life satisfaction often decreases, one is more depressed and often sadder or joyless. But the job loss is far from an excuse to be permanently depressed. We have summarized tips around the topic of unemployment and what should be done especially after a termination.

teamFORCE job change

What steps should I take after a termination?

The first route should lead to the Public Employment Service (AMS). There you have the possibility to apply for unemployment benefits or, if there is still a period of notice, you can also declare employment early (as soon as you know when your employment ends).

What is my unemployment benefit?

How much unemployment benefit you receive, of course, depends on which occupation you have been pursuing to date. The money you can expect can be found on the Internet under the AMS calculator.

When do I receive unemployment benefits?

If you meet all the requirements, you will receive unemployment benefits from the day on which you apply for AMS assistance, but at the earliest on the first day after employment ends.

How can I regain my courage and dedicate myself to finding a job?

Do not be vindictive

Of course it annoys immensely to have lost the job. Nevertheless, avoid talking badly about the former employer. Stay fair and do not blame yourself.

Keep your nerves

Relax and get away from your old job and your previous working life. But do not put your time in a bar and pester yourself or even lose your nerve. Instead, make plans, stay fit, and look ahead.

Think about the future

Focus on what is coming so a new job. Search the Internet, update your application and start the job search immediately after termination. Tap on your network at the same time. Maybe there will be one or the other chance. This also distracts and / or helps to complete at the same time and to recognize one's competences.

Keep in touch with former colleagues

Do not just break contact just because you and your colleagues are going separate ways. Stay up to date and exchange ideas. You may also learn about new job opportunities.

Make further education

When it is clear that finding a job will take a long time, you should remember to stay attractive for the job market. This through training or additional qualifications. At the same time, you can also use unemployment for a new orientation, or you can set a new path by training your career.

Take an inventory

As you become unemployed, you should also take stock of your own abilities. Write down what you have done and where your knowledge is. Say: make clear what you can and do not underestimate yourself. It can often help the assessment of friends or colleagues.

Stay true to yourself and what you want

Despite the active job search and the many job interviews, you should never forget one thing: Stay true to yourself and, above all, do not get fired in panic. Do not make the mistake of starting an employment relationship just to get a job again. Select consciously and apply only for jobs that you actually want. After all, it does not really help if you do a job that you do not like.

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