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The desk perfection

We all know it - the chaos on the desk.

In the daily stress of work, the piles of unfinished business get higher and higher, old brochures and the last tax assessment disappear, because at some point we simply lose the overview. The working environment is an important factor influencing well-being and thus also the quality of work. Not to mention how much time is lost when you have to search for everything all the time.

Although - there is a different way of doing it:

Arrange to meet at the desk and take your time

Anyone who has long wanted to get their workplace in order shouldn't put it off any longer. Otherwise the stacks will get taller and the chaos will get bigger and bigger. Really take a few hours and make a note of this in your diary. Important! Do not postpone the appointment anymore!

Clear the desk completely

To get an overview of what has actually accumulated on the desk, you should clear everything away completely. You will see that the motivation increases when you can see the desk surface again.

Don't add to the chaos

When clearing away, it helps to make several stacks to avoid the whole action ending in chaos. But above all, you make a pile of "IMPORTANT" things that should have been processed a long time ago.

Cleaning the desk

If the desk is cleared except for the computer and the keyboard, it is important to wipe everything with a damp cloth and, in the best case, to disinfect everything once. Crumbs and grease stains should be removed regularly, especially if you eat frequently at your desk.

Sort stacks and clean out properly

Now it is important to sort the stacks completely, to clear them out and to be properly sorted. Newspapers and magazines that are more than three months old, brochures, old tickets or invitations go straight to the trash.

End paper mess

Everyone knows this: you make a phone call and write down a telephone number, an email address and a name on a piece of paper. They then disappear somewhere on the desk and are not at hand when they are needed. It is therefore best to always enter everything on the computer in the address book.

Dispose of table scrap

Ballpoint pens that don't write, vacation cards from colleagues from three years ago, old batteries, ... ..! Simply dispose of this table scrap and do not put it on the tidy desk again. Also, pour out the pen container and clean it. There are mostly rusty paper clips, broken pencil tips and, above all, a lot of dust. Only put away what you really need. 

"Perfection is not achieved if you don't add anything more,
but nothing can be left out "

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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