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Achieve goals for 2024!

Implement your plans with these 5 steps!

A new year is usually a reason to think about new goals to be set! But also about those who have not (yet) been reached - with the intention of tackling them now. Perhaps this is now THE chance to finally implement the new goals, but also those that have been behind them for a long time. With these 5 steps we would like to give you the right tool so that you can do this as efficiently as possible.

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Set yourself a goal 

Before you can achieve a goal, you first have to commit yourself to one. If you don't know where to go, you won't get to your final destination. Think about some projects and write them down.

Formulate your goal SMART 

With the SMART formula, you can quickly formulate your objectives.

  • Sspecific: Goals must be clearly defined (as precisely as possible).
  • Medible: goals must be measurable (measurability criteria).
  • Aattractive: goals must be appealing or desirable.
  • RRealistic: goals must be possible and feasible.
  • Tmined: Goals must be linked to a fixed date.

Write down your wording.

Draw up a concrete plan 

Now you know what your goal is - now it's about creating a precise plan of how you want to achieve your goal. It is best to divide large tasks into smaller sub-tasks. Record your plan in as much detail as possible and, above all, formulate the first steps very precisely.

Get active

The more detailed you write your goal, the easier it will be for you to act. Because all the preparation will lead to nothing if you don't put it into practice. Once in line, get help and look for people with the same goal. In this way you can support and motivate each other. Not only allies are helpful on the way, especially people who have already followed this path. Benefit from the experiences of others!

Stay in focus 

Multitasking is not the most efficient way to achieve a goal. That is why it is better to concentrate on one task and not to be distracted by others. Train your focus and switch off all distracting devices. Your self-discipline is like a muscle, the more you exercise, the easier it will be for you.

Reflect and review at the end of the month

Analyze your progress at the end of each month.

The following points can provide you with a framework for reflection:

  • Where am I now, where do I want to go and how do I want to continue?
  • Have I implemented the points that I have set myself?
  • If not, what adjustments should I make?
  • What went well and what can I do better?

If your goal is a new professional challenge, have a look this article .

"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, but never the goal!"

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