Teamforce Human Resources GmbH | 1050 Vienna | Margaretenstrasse 72 | +43 (0) 1 8107510 |

What brings me Xing and LinkedIN?

What brings me Xing and LinkedIN?

First and foremost for all newcomers: Xing and LinkedIN are social platforms on which you can establish and maintain business contacts. LinkedIN is the largest network worldwide, Xing in the DACH region.

Be discovered instead of self-promotion? You are not actually looking for a new challenge, but you still want to feel the market and see what your chances are? Xing and LinkedIn are perfect for this. According to the principle of hope: Maybe a person or an employer will stumble over it.

For some time, we (or certainly other recruitment consultancy and companies) have been using the two platforms very actively to find potential employees. Personnel have many opportunities to search for interesting people on the platforms. Thus, the dream of every user has actually come true: that users have been offered a job based on their profile. A profile - even without a premium membership - can therefore be very useful for the career, provided it is provided with the right information. Here's a little secret: almost half of the candidates we cast last year contacted us through these platforms and offered them a new challenge - so it's really worth it.

It is up to you which platform you register with. Candidates are generally searched for on both platforms, but we recommend that you create a profile on both platforms - it definitely doesn't hurt!

teamFORCE portfolio

But how do we become aware of you?

The easiest way is in the area "I'm looking for”To explicitly name your job search. But colleagues - or worse - your boss could read that too. It is more elegant to first fill out your own profile completely and provide it with an appealing picture. This is the first step and you provide potential employers with a comprehensive picture of your own skills. If you want to be found, you should carefully maintain your profile data. List additional qualifications, name what you are familiar with and what you have achieved. You should also enrich the descriptive text “I offer” with important key terms under which you could look for a specialist like you.

"But I'll stand here in the display"

Sure, but you can decide for yourself about your privacy settings. You can choose whether the profile should also be accessible to non-members or even be found by search engines. Of course it is important to protect privacy, but who wants to be present, the access should also allow.

Companies looking for candidates also use social networks to present vacancies. Subscribe to the news feed in the company profile, such as the one from team Force, you get new offers always delivered immediately free home. If you have a specific job in mind, visit the contact's Xing profile and contact them. Ask politely what qualifications are particularly important or if there is a focus on this activity. This can significantly increase your chances of being perceived in the bidder search. Even a contact request to the responsible personnel to expand the network is then quite allowed.

In this sense, we are looking forward to your contact request!

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