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diversity and inclusion

diversity and inclusion

These terms are often used in tandem, but they are two different concepts. However, they work best when practiced hand-in-hand.

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A diverse workplace consists of people of different ages, genders, sexual orientations, mental and physical abilities, skin colour, social and national origins.

Diversity should develop in the workplace and be promoted through inclusion measures. 

Inclusion is the next step. Inclusive companies ensure that all employees feel that they are treated with respect and fairly.

Diversity = innovation

A strong innovation culture is essential for the success of a company. Several studies show that diversity and a culture of equality are among the most important drivers of innovation in companies. Innovations are made possible by teams with different work styles, life experiences, perspectives, backgrounds and skills. Diversity is the key to corporate success.

Inclusion = increased productivity

Every business leader values ​​increased productivity. An inclusive workplace accepts more ideas and processes. Different experiences mean a wider range of problem-solving skills, leading to increased capacity and productivity.

Diversity & Inclusion = Employee Retention

Fostering the loyalty of competent employees brings many benefits. Especially from a financial point of view, - keeping employees is on average cheaper than replacing them. Personnel costs in the event of a change are estimated at almost 33% of annual wages.

You can introduce the following 3 initiatives to promote diversity & inclusion in your company:

1. Blind Hiring:
Applications are anonymized. The application contains only the qualifications and skills of the applicant, without information on name, gender, origin, age.

2. Safe Space:
Safe places where team members can socialize and socialize.

3. Accessible workplace:

Accessibility means that everything is accessible to everyone. For example:

  • Access via ramps and elevators
  • Translators at lectures and meetings
  • Braille and screen readers for better communication
  • E-mails in plain language.

"A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions and outcomes for everyone."

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google

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